Saturday 28 January 2017

Don’t Ignore Your Gums While Getting Your Smile Makeover

People who are self-conscious about the appearance of their teeth and gums often find themselves hesitant to smile in public, keeping their mouths closed in photos and even covering their mouths when they laugh.

Fortunately, modern dentistry offers a potentially ideal solution for these people in the form of fully customized smile makeover treatment plans.

Each smile makeover plan contains a precise combination of treatments designed to address the unique needs and goals of the individual patient.

The best candidates for a smile makeover will be in basically good oral and overall health, but be dissatisfied with certain elements of their smiles. The more specific they are in terms of what they hope to achieve through their smile makeovers, the better.

Smile makeovers, which are routinely being done in the dental clinics in India, address a broad range of esthetic flaws. 
These include
Discoloration of the teeth
Cracked or chipped teeth
Eroded, misshapen, or disproportionately sized teeth
Gaps between teeth
Slightly crooked teeth
Gummy smiles
An uneven gum line
Existing Dental Conditions

If you have underlying oral health issues, they will need to be addressed before your makeover can begin.

Performing a smile makeover or any other type of restorative treatment would not be successful in the long term if your gums are not in good health.

Healthy gums aren’t just important for your oral health. Maintaining healthy gums can be an important part of your overall health routine.

Your gums are made of a soft skin designed to cover the bones of your teeth. The tissue forms a tight cuff around your teeth to support the bones and provide a barrier to bacteria.
When you have healthy gums, your teeth are well-supported by the tissue in your gums and your chances for long-term oral health are significantly increased.

It is important to take good care of your gums by brushing after meals and flossing daily to remove food particles between and around your teeth, and to prevent the formation of plaque on tooth surfaces.

If you don’t maintain healthy gums, you are more likely to have gum disease, which can progress to a number of problems with your teeth and oral health.
Gum disease can lead to gum bleeding and gum recession. Healthy gums should not bleed. Puffy red and bleeding gums are signs that something is very wrong. Bleeding gums are bad, a sign of disease. These things are not normal and indicate a disease process at work. This can eventually be serious enough to cause tooth loss.
When the gum tissue recedes, the exposed tooth root may become hypersensitive to high or low temperatures. Maintaining oral hygiene may become more difficult and due to this, build-up of plaque, gum inflammation and possibly tooth decay can result and depending on the severity, subsequent loss of bone can also result.
Before getting a smile makeover, make sure you get your periodontal (gums) condition under control first. It must be treated before any type of corrective cosmetic procedure is attempted. Dentists in Delhi, who do this procedure, make sure they evaluate the gum health right at the beginning.
Periodontal disease can only be diagnosed by a dentist and treated by a dental professional.
A smile makeover should start with getting your gums healthy. Once your gums are healthy, then it is appropriate to do cosmetic smile makeovers. These are routinely being done in dental clinics in India.
If you feel that your smile is disproportionately small, it may have more to do with your gums than the size of your teeth. Extra gum tissue can obscure your teeth and even make you look several years older than you actually are. Additionally, an uneven gum line can greatly affect your smile, making your teeth look crooked or unhealthy.

With gum recon touring, your dentist can remove a small amount of soft tissue to even out your gums and give you a more proportionate smile.

Virtually all cosmetic dentists take a conservative approach. They will never remove more tissue than necessary. However, even though your dentist only may remove a few millimeters of gum tissue, the treatment can have a dramatic impact on your overall appearance.

Esthetic Components of a Smile Makeover

In addition to the color, alignment and balance of your teeth in the esthetic zone of your smile (the section of upper and lower teeth that show when you smile), there are several attributes of your teeth and smile. These include:

Tooth Length: Long teeth lend a youthful appearance. Aging produces wear and tear that often results in shorter teeth, and a gummy smile also can make teeth appear shorter. A smile makeover treatment for shorter teeth may include reshaping and lengthening. If you have a gummy smile, your dentist may provide treatment to modify the gum line and lengthen the appearance of the teeth using laser dentistry procedures. You may also be advised for a crown lengthening procedure if necessary.
Teeth lengthening may also impact your overall facial appearance. For example, shapely, long, square teeth on a round-faced individual can provide a slimming effect.

Smile Line: The smile line is a line that follows the edges of your upper teeth from side to side, which ideally should be the same as the curve of your lower lip when you smile. This standard point of reference for smile makeovers may be used to help determine how long your new teeth should be.
Tooth Proportions: Tooth proportion guides the length and width of other teeth in the esthetic zone so that the smile line appears balanced.

Tooth Texture and Characterization: Cosmetic dentists performing smile makeovers are adept at blending functionality and esthetics. An artistic dentist can characterize your crowns or veneers to create a more feminine or a more masculine appearance, in addition to matching the look and feel of natural teeth or those you’ve seen in photographs.

Smile makeovers are transformative. It’s possible to look younger, healthier, smarter, more successful, and happier with just one cosmetic dentistry or restorative procedure. Dental clinics in Delhi, like ‘Smile Delhi-The Dental Clinic’, are treating patients from across the globe for smile makeovers. Reputed dental clinics in Delhi, like Smile Delhi, conform to global standards when it comes to materials, expertise, equipment and sterilization. Thus this is a procedure which is popular with the inbound patients/ dental tourists.
A smile makeover gives you a healthy mouth and makes you feel better about your teeth, smile, and entire self.


Friday 30 December 2016

What are the benefits of dental implants over other treatments?

Why are dental implants often the first choice and a standard of care compared to other options to restore missing or damaged teeth?

Next best thing to healthy, natural teeth:- Strong and stable, a dental implant restores a lost tooth so that it looks, feels, fits and functions like a natural tooth. Other options can lead to bone deterioration, and may interfere with eating, smiling, speaking and other activities of everyday life.

Built to last: - Dental implants are a long-term solution. Traditional, tooth-supported dental bridges only last five to seven years, and with proper care often more than 10 years, but at some point they may need to be replaced. While Dental Implants may need periodic adjustments, they can last a lifetime when properly placed and cared for over time.

Enjoy life without worrying about your teeth:- No need to stay home or feel uncomfortable in public, embarrassed because your smile looks different, or worrying that missing teeth will limit your ability to join in the fun or that removable dentures or tooth-supported replacement teeth will loosen or fall out when you talk, eat or laugh. Teeth restored with dental implants are teeth that let you, not your teeth, lead your life.

Retain your natural face shape, and smile: - A face without teeth can sag and appear sunken and sad. Dental implants allow you to maintain the natural shape of your face and smile.

Protect healthy bone: - Leaving empty spaces in your mouth after losing one or more teeth can lead to additional health issues, such as the loss and deterioration of some of your jawbone. When it is not being used to support a natural tooth, the jawbone deteriorates, losing its strength and firmness. Dental implants are the only dental restoration option that preserves and stimulates natural bone, actually helping to stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss.

Keep your teeth in your mouth – not in a cup: - Dental implants allow you to keep your teeth where they belong – in your mouth. And no more worrying that your dentures might slip or fall out. Brush, floss and care for teeth that have been replaced using dental implants exactly the way you would natural teeth – in your mouth.

Speak easy: - Adjusting to removable dentures can mean struggling to pronounce everyday words. Not so with dental implants, which function like natural teeth?

Eat your favorite foods: - Taste and enjoy the foods you love without hesitation. You can bite naturally, eat virtually anything you want and, unlike removable dentures that can feel uncomfortable, you can experience the full taste of the food you eat with dental implants, too. Look Mom, no cavities:- Cavities can’t occur in an implant-restored crown, or replacement tooth; however, you will need to visit your dentist as scheduled and clean and care for it and your gums and mouth every day, the same as you would if it were a natural tooth.

Keep teeth in place– silently: - Dentures may slip when you eat, talk, smile, laugh, kiss, yawn or cough, so that you have to “reposition” them back into place in the mouth. Dental implants are fixed in place and fuse naturally with your jawbone, meaning your replacement teeth won’t move, click or shift.

Protect your healthy teeth: - Placing a tooth-supported bridge requires grinding away the teeth on one or both sides of the missing tooth or teeth – thereby damaging healthy teeth to restore those that are missing. The modified healthy teeth are attached to, and support, the bridge. Dentists in Delhi go in the jawbone, in the spot where your missing tooth root was, without impacting healthy teeth. They also help prevent healthy, adjacent teeth from shifting as they would if an empty space were left for an extended period of time.

More predictable than other repair and restoration methods:- Dental implant treatment has a track record of reliable, long-term successful outcomes and is often considered “more predictable” than other treatments to repair or replace missing teeth, including bridgework, removable appliances and retreatment of failing root canal (endodontic) therapy.


Friday 25 November 2016

Four ways to have healthier teeth

Having healthier teeth reflects good health. Not just health but having perfect and shining white teeth with no problems like cavities or gum bleeding or tooth ache can also boost your confidence. By giving a little attention to a few details, one can protect his/her teeth from serious complications like tooth loss or enamel replacement. Most of the dental problems occur in children and there is a need to take extra care when children start developing milk teeth. This is a very simple exercise. Cleaning teeth with a soft damp cloth or soft bristle brush can be helpful.

Cavities are the most common problem in children in the age group of 12-15. Children of these age groups tend to eat a lot of sweets. Consumption of simple sugar and sweet foods like chocolates and cookies causes damage to the outer layer of teeth; this in turn results in decay. We can curb these effects by brushing twice a day and using floss to prevent acid attack, which occurs in the soft gaps between the teeth. It is suggested that a visit to your dentist for regular check-ups is needed for all the family members.

Not only children, dental problems also occur in teenagers using braces and other adults, hence experts’ advice adults to change tooth brush once in three months and teenager with braces need to use a special tooth brush and liquids prescribed by dentist for dental hygiene.

Dentists In Delhi One of the most important things necessary for good tooth health is the use of a good tooth paste. Tooth paste containing sufficient amounts of Fluoride in it and drinking water with ample Fluoride levels play an important role in dental care. Fluoride makes your enamel stronger and prevents decay caused by acid. It can reverse the early stages of acid damage by re-mineralizing areas that have started to decay. But remember that too much of anything can be harmful. High amounts of fluoride can cause white spots on teeth of children, so it should be given in small quantities.

Rinse or chew gum after meals: In addition to brushing and flossing, rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial rinse can help prevent decay and gum problems. Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal increases the flow of saliva, which naturally washes bacteria away and neutralizes acid.